

Below compares the effect environmental conditions have on the growth of grass vs. moss.

  • Compact soil kills grass roots – yet – creates a smooth area for moss to hold on to.
  • Poor drainage continually damp soil can suffocate grass roots – yet – provides ideal conditions for moss.
  • Low pH highly acidic soil can kill grass roots – yet – moss thrives in acidic soil.
  • Lack of sunlight grass has a difficult time growing in shade – yet – moss grows best in shade.


moss6                              moss3

Did you know that:

  • There are approximately 12,000 species of moss.
  • Moss thrives in cool, moist and shady locations.
  • It favors acidic soil.
  • It requires just enough sun to conduct photosynthesis.
  • Moss can grow in temperatures just above zero degrees.
  • Because it lacks a vascular system, it requires high levels of moisture to survive.
  • Moss can grow on damp soil, tree bark, rocks, concrete, roofs and other surfaces.
  • The presence of moss is usually an indicator that something is wrong within the lawn.
  • Killing moss will not prevent re-growth unless conditions are changed.



Cultural ways to help prevent re-growth of moss:

  • Fertilize with a fertilizer rich in nitrogen.
  • If your soil pH is below 6.0 apply lime.
  • Prune trees to allow more light to the area.
  • De-thatch your lawn.
  • Water the lawn in early morning hours so it gets a chance to dry out before nightfall.


Need help with a moss issue? 

Call Sterling Insect & Lawn Control (207) 767-5555.
