
Snow Mold

There are two types of snow mold – grey and pink.

Grey snow mold      snow mold2

  • Has tiny black mycelia masses on the blades.
  • Rarely damages more than the blade of the grass and recovers quickly.
  • Usually only occurs after prolonged snow cover.

Pink snow mold      pink snow mold1

  • May look like white cobwebs initially, then matures to a faint pink color.
  • May invade the crowns and roots of the grass.
  • Can occur in cool, wet conditions even in the absence of snow.


Snow mold can be a sign of one or more of the following:

  • A lot of snow cover over the winter.
  • The lawn wasn’t mowed short enough in the fall.
  • The soil is wet and holding moisture.
  • The soil is lacking nutrients needed to combat the fungi.


Snow mold can be minimized by:

  • Avoid excessive nitrogen in the late fall.
  • Mow the lawn late into the season, so it doesn’t lay over itself.
  • Clean up leaves in the fall.
  • Manage thatch to avoid having more than 2′ (less than 1/2″ is ideal).


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